vineri, 29 noiembrie 2013


De unde vine cuvântul stup? Am făcut legătura abia astăzi. Stupa este o movila in jurul căreia se învârtesc preoții budiști in căutarea eliberării. Nu. Nu asta este etimologia din dicționar. Dar sunt convins. De ce altfel dupa '90 s-a schimbat numele străzii Stupinei.
Conceptually, a stupa is a cosmological diagram linking the body of the Buddha to the universe. The fundamental elements of a stupa are present in the oldest of
Sanchi’s stupas, the so-called Stupa II (ca. 100 bce). The central mass consists of an earthen hemispherical mound faced with fired bricks, with a shallow berm (or medhi) ringing its base. This round structure is then surrounded by a stone balustrade
(or vedika) that replicates a construction out of wood. Both the interior and exterior surface of the vedika are carved with shallow reliefs and medallions depicting scenes and events of Buddhist significance. The vedika has openings on four sides, aligned to the cardinal directions. These are accessed not on axis, however, but at right angles, through bent entrances, all of which open in a counterclockwise direction. The cross- axis of the cardinal directions, coupled with the directional openings, form a space-time cosmological diagram, or mandala, in the form of a svastika (or “swastika”). The directions represent space, and the bent entrances, replicating the movement of the stars, represent time. The purpose of the vedika is to give spatial definition to the ritual counterclockwise circumambulation of parikrama. A Buddhist monk, or a pilgrim, in performing the parikrama, engages in a haptic reenactment of the fundamental order of space and time, and in the process, brings his or her body into harmony with that larger order. In Buddhism, as in Hinduism, parikrama, along with the mandala and the svastika (totally unrelated to its Nazi appropriation), are still fundamental to architectural expression. 

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